Friday, October 12, 2012


Be determined to eliminate excuses! Don't let any restrictions, restraints, or reasons causes you to believe that you can justify not doing something or going somewhere. That one thing that you need to do in order to propel you towards the next phase in your life. "Excuses are your fears in disguise."

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Do you ever feel that when life gets to hectic, we start to feel as scattered leaves that we see in the Fall. At first the leaves have a reddish-yellow color of beauty to the them. As we look at all the awesome colors we are amazed how GOD has created a beautiful picture of colors, but the beauty fades and they become brown and dry they start to fall from the trees. The leave a clutter on the lawn. Every gust of wind brings a stream of confusion, and no matter how e try to rake, we can't brings those leaves together again. So as I have these days with homework, housework, and start my business and just feeling the busyness of the moment I keep a leaf. It is a reminder to myself of how scattered my days can be. If you feel like me, make it your prayer that your life will not remain a pile of dried up leaves roaming around with the wind. Ask GOD to bring to your life a fresh new leaf just like the beginning of Fall, holding t the strength and stability of the tree branch. So y'all don't we don't have to be overwhelm with our busy days, let GOD take the wheel, let HIM turn over a new leaf for you today. Make your busy days into happy Autumn days.  

Sunday, October 7, 2012

GOD gives you GIFTS~

Hold on to the gift that God has given you, hold it, plant it, water it, and it will grow into what it is suppose to be. Any time a tree grows whatever is around it will be pushed for the foundation of the roots to grow, it will have it's own room to expand.  So don't give up. Some steps will be tiny but they will get you there and they will eventually grow into bigger steps. People are always going to talk about you. They are going to throw dirt on you so that you can not succeed, that is when you just dust yourself off and go on. That's ok just let it go..Keep going forward with what gift GOD has given you. Never give up on what GOD has ordained  for you. Push forward into your destiny, with faith and prayer you will get what you want in this life.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Colossians 1:28-29~ We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all he energy, which so powerfully works in me.

We all through struggles in life. But here in the scripture Paul tells us to be strong in your struggles to overcome them with the strength you have in Jesus. It is how we go through them is what we should see, not what is going wrong. When "LIFE" happens we are so quick to blame but instead we should be seeing what happen, how this happen and learn from our problems. Thanking GOD in the mist of it all is a great way to start to overcome difficulties  Get into scripture to the core of the struggle meditate on that particular scripture, don't stop praying keep digging into it until GOD lets you see what and where the focus of your problem is and let HIM take control. GOD says I will break the yoke, then you will see what I can do.. So if you are struggling today pray about it, find scripture, meditate and give it over to GOD. Put your energy into the Word of GOD.